Kente Cloth Designs and Definitions

Kente designs are elements woven in a Kente cloth.  Some designs are can be found in Kente patterns (example: Nyemfre, Nkyinkyim and Akuma designs are in Aburoo Ahaban pattern), and some designs are named as patterns (example: Agyene-gyene-nsu, Akyempem kwatia, Daakwansire and Nankatre).

001 Kente Cloth Designs and Definitions

002 Kente Cloth Designs and Definitions

003 Kente Cloth Designs and Definitions

004 Kente Cloth Designs and Definitions

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  1. Kente Cloth: History and Culture by E Asamoah-Yaw & Osei-Bonsu Safo-Kantanka

Photo Reference/s:

  1. Kente Cloth: History and Culture by E Asamoah-Yaw & Osei-Bonsu Safo-Kantanka

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